Let's Shop Silver Jeans : Complete Style & Sizing Guide
[ TOP left to right : Mom Jean ♡ Elyse Ankle Slim ♡ Izzy Embroidered ( sadly, these are currently out of stock! ) ♡ Kellaline Light Wash...

How To Add Collagen Into Your Routine & Why You Need It
Collagen. Collagen. Collagen. So you've heard of it, but you're not sure why you need it? Or what it even is? Or does? Here's the...

3 Things My Mom Taught Me & A Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Guide
It's almost Mother's Day!! This also means, if you haven't bought your Mom a gift yet... you've come to the right place : ) I'm...

Sweetest Tees from Pawz Shop
Meet my puppy, Jenga! I still call her a puppy, even though she's definitely fully grow LOL. If you know me, you know that my dogs are...

A Must Have While Working at the Computer
I spend SO MUCH time in front of a screen. How could I not?? I use the computer for work, writing posts and answering emails; then my...

23 Things 22 Taught Me
TWENTY-THREE. WOW. Where does the time go? I started to think 'I don't feel any different than when I was in high school' but honestly...